Growing Legacy,
Safeguarding Wealth
Generation to Generation.

KALE Capital Group is a family-owned private investment holding company, investing globally in private investments and real estates.
The Group focuses on investing in three core verticals – operational real estate, healthcare and asset management.
KALE Capital Group has strategic ownerships in the following verticals: global real estates, self storage asset management, healthcare investments and global private equity.
L. Property Holdings is our core real estate investment portfolio with assets primarily based in Asia and Europe.
StoreFriendly is Asia's largest self storage platform with over 130 branches and 40,000+ units across Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Singapore. The platform seeks to further expand its AUM in Asia and drive opportunistic investment returns by actively acquiring property assets for conversion into premium-grade self storage facilities.
Silver Dart Capital is a healthcare investment set-up. Combining investment and venture building, Silver Dart leverages its global pedigree and China Greater Bay heritage to invest in distinct healthcare opportunities in the region.
ACE & Company is a global private equity group with over US$1.5bn AUM. ACE has offices in London, New York and Geneva and focuses on co-investment strategies across Venture, Buyout and Secondary private equity. ACE provides a conduit for investments for us outside of Asia.